‘Together, we
continue growth’

Genuine attention
is scarce

Without realising it, you are actually always looking for attention. In my opinion, it is the best fuel for growth. Sometimes you get so little of it that you (usually unconsciously) fall into unhealthy repetitive patterns. Attention doesn’t always have to come from others: often the problem also is that you don’t give enough attention to yourself. Selecting an experienced coach is then a good, first step towards your growth.

As a coach I listen to you with compassion and without prejudice. At the same time, my attention is by no means non-committal: I encourage you to break new ground, and if you can handle it, I confront you with the meaning of your statements, patterns and behaviour. I can draw on a wide range of tools because I have been coaching for over 25 years and have done countless studies in the field of personal and professional growth. I always find the most appropriate or effective ones for you. So that you can continue to grow.

Nelson Mandela is a great inspiration to me. He could not have articulated the coaching profession better than in his book ‘The Long Road to Freedom’. It’s about attention, compassion and gardening. Click here if you want to read more about it

The metaphor:
My garden path

Gardening for me is like coaching and leading workshops. As soon as you walk up my garden path you immediately see what I mean; it’s a colourful and expressive garden. Because I work in it every day (I fertilise, prune and give all plants and trees lots of attention) you see and feel, that my passion radiates from it. Playfully, the first tentative budding twigs sprout. Regularly I am rewarded with unexpected turns. Then, of course, I move along, carefully adjust and intensely enjoy the process. The budding, the germination, the growth, the weeding, the flowering, the decay, the digestion of what has passed as compost for new growth… I enjoy every aspect. The energy it gives is tangible for me and my clients. This is how we grow together.

Coaching sessions

Your talents are my central focus point. Together, we seek to develop them further. But we also work on building safety nets for your pitfalls. You become more aware of your qualities and the stress behaviour you have in certain situations. I encourage you to take on personal challenges. In doing so, our conversations are of varying character. Often inspiring and encouraging. Sometimes following and then directing. In any case, they are never boring.

A series of

A coaching process always starts with an introduction without any obligation afterwards: you don’t have to pay if we decide not to set off together. In this way, the threshold to your first step forward towards growth is low. Usually this is followed by a series of ten sessions of an hour and a half. Sometimes the path is shorter.

Two personality tests give us both more insight into your motivations, your qualities and your challenges. Together, we sharpen your personal goals and work on them. In the last session, we check whether your goals have been achieved and what the next steps might be.


What we discuss together is, of course, confidential. No one gets substantive feedback on the sessions. Not even your employer when he/she sponsors this growth step. It is an option to start and end the coaching process with a conversation between you, your employer and me. And only you will then decide what content will be discussed.

Coaching is not therapy

I do not do curative, psychological work nor psychiatric treatments. Others are better at that. I coach.


Think of communication power, convincing others, business strategies, brainstorming, charisma, change management, delegating, evaluating, giving and receiving feedback, giving presentations, developing initiatives, leadership, life questions, mission, motivation, new job or profession, negotiating, personal effectiveness, professionalising, stress and burn-out, starting a business, team building, time management, pitfall behaviour and vision

Insightful models

I have done an almost countless number of psychological studies and I will never stop doing so. That is my form of paying attention to myself and to my profession.

Among other things, I work with the nine drives of the Enneagram, breathing techniques, creative visualisation, clearing models, conflict management, conversation techniques, core quadrants, diary writing, dream analysis, energetic linkage, focusing, life scripts, presentation techniques, role plays, self-directed learning, stress and burn-out programmes, Transactional Analysis, Voice Dialogue and voice work.

On our way with…

MaximuM is onderweg met o.a. Alfred, ABN-AMRO Bank, ANWB, AMREF Flying Docters, Being There, Born05, Boomerang Agency, BrandBase, BVA Auctions, …….


CEP Health, Chase, Cheil, Cygnific, CNV Connectief, Consumentenbond, Databay, Dam Swindle, DDB Unlimited, Deltares, De Hartstichting, De Speld, Doornvogel, Ecom Trading, Eigen Fabrikaat, ENGIE, EY VODW, FCB Amsterdam, Finally an agency, Food Cabinet, Fresh Bridge, Fjuze, Glasnost, Google, Havas WW, Hema, HERC, Helin, HIVOS, INDIE, Independer, ING Bank, International Criminal Court, InShared, Kabinet van de Koning, Kaliber, Kinesso, Ksyos, KPMG, LePub, Lucia Marthas Institute for Performing Arts, six ministries, Mediabrands, Mindwise, MVO Nederland, Natuurmonumenten, New Era Consultancy, Nomads, Ogilvy Nederland, Orde van Advokaten, OutShared, Pink Marketing, Pünktlich, Pink Rabbit, Port of Rotterdam, Publicis Groupe, PwC, Qontent Matters, Radio 538, RA*W, SchaalX, Schuberg Philis, Shell Recharge Solutions, STOER, Reshift Reprise Digital, Sonos Europe, Spark, TBWA\Neboko, The Gardeners, Talent Naar De Top, THNK, UM, UWV, VIA, Viktor & Rolf, Wereld Natuur Fonds (World Wildlife Fund), Wunderman Thompson, Yune, Yource Recruitement.

MaximuM accompanies accountants, account directors, account managers, actors, advertisers, barristers, board of directors, agents, art directors, architects, authors, business directors, celebrities, chefs, choreographers, client services directors, coaches, consultants, CEO’s, CFO’s, CMO’s, COO’s, communication managers, copywriters, creatives, dancers, data engineers, designers, diplomats, DJ’s, teachers entrepreneurs, event managers, facility managers, fashion designers, free lancers, headmasters, financial controllers, freelancers, head-hunters, HR managers,  interim managers, IT-specialists, journalists, judges, lawyers, marketing managers, managing directors, media planners, members of the Dutch parliament, members of the European Parliament, members of the Dutch Senate, ministers, movie makers, office managers, operations managers, politicians, pr-managers, producers, product managers, rtv-producers, secretaries, singers, sound designers, speechwriters, secretaries of state, supervisory boards, strategy planners, theatre producers, traffic managers, trainers and tv-hosts.



Influencing at work

Years ago I developed this workshop for senior professionals who experienced that getting people to move in the desired direction doesn’t always work well nor easy. All the knowledge and experience they had was not enough. Rusty patterns in ourselves – and in others – keep teams from doing what is really needed. It ended up being my most booked workshop for leaders, managers, consultants and coaches who are looking for their personal leadership.

We all spend a lot of time on what is literally said in meetings. Too little attention is paid to ‘why’ and ‘how’ we say things. Transactional Analysis shows us how this can get us caught up in stuck patterns. In this workshop, we look at the psychological layer beneath the words. What are we actually saying to each other when we don’t just take dialogue literally? What messages are we sending out? Which messages are we receiving and which ones do we block? Are we playing games with each other? Are they healthy games? I’m sure we can do things differently. And more effectively.

We discover practical models of Transactional Analysis such as ego states (who in us is talking), the OK quadrant, the drama triangle, the winner’s triangle, our repetitive behaviour, the drivers & stoppers (what should we do from ourselves and what should we not do from ourselves) and how we deal with positive and negative attention. The Enneagram with its nine drives is also discussed. We alternate theory with practical exercises where participants work with each other and contribute their own experiences. After the four study days, insight into communication patterns has increased enormously. You recognise how things get stuck and you know how to make break throughs. You can deal with conflicts much better. You motivate colleagues. You know yourself better and from now on you tackle things differently.


Autumn group 2024

The Thursdays November 7, November 21, December 12, 2024 and January 16, 2025
(from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)

Spring group 2025

The Thursdays April 24, May 15 and
June 5 and 26, 2025
(from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)


€1,595 excluding 21% VAT, including study materials and lunches.


Het Broekerhuis, Leeteinde 16, 1151 AK Broek in Waterland.



Intervision group Leadership & TA

This leadership workshop is exclusively for senior professionals with knowledge of Transactional Analysis. It is the follow-up to the workshop ‘Influencing at work’. The format is an intervision group. As a participant, you bring in practical dilemmas from the workplace and as a group we look at them together. Which TA model fits the question posed? How do you apply that model? This way, we learn from each other. These days will give you a fresh perspective on challenges at work.
You don’t always apply the Transactional Analysis models you are familiar with. You regularly come across issues in which you could make good use of them. You still lack their practical day-to-day application. If this resonates with you, then the morning sessions “Intervision Group Leadership & TA” are just the thing for you.
Here are some practical examples that may come up during the morning sessions:

What do you do with an unreliable colleague or client?
How do you deal with someone who twists the truth?
What do you do when you yourself are quite critical and freeze up?
Recognising drama triangles is probably easy, but how do you step out of them?
What options do you miss when you step into repeating old patterns?
How do you work towards more authentic leadership and autonomy?
How do you effectively speak to someone about behaviour you can’t live with?
What solutions do Permission-Protection-Potency give you?
How authentic are you using the basic emotions Mad-Glad-Sad and Scared?

Wat doe je met een onbetrouwbare collega of opdrachtgever?
Hoe ga je om met iemand die de werkelijkheid verdraait?
Wat doe je als je zelf nogal kritisch bent en bevriest?
Dramadriehoeken herkennen is vast makkelijk, maar hoe stap je er uit?
Welke opties misken je wanneer je in herhalende oude patronen stapt?
Hoe werk je aan meer authentiek leiderschap en autonomie?
Hoe spreek je iemand effectief aan op gedrag waar jij niet mee kunt leven?
Wat voor oplossingen geven Permissie-Protectie-Potentie je?
Hoe authentiek ben jij Boos-Bang-Blij-Bedroefd?

Dates Spring 2024:

Friday 12 April, and Friday 17 May 2024 (from 9:45 AM to 12:45 PM).

Season Dates 2024-2025:

Thursday October 10, Friday November 8 and Friday December 13, 2024.
Plus Thursday February 6, Friday April 11 and Thursday May 8, 2025 (from 9:45 AM to 12:45 PM).


For the whole series of six sessions: €1150 ex VAT. Single session costs €275: please book a minimum of three sessions..


Het Broekerhuis, Leeteinde 16, 1151 AK Broek in Waterland.



Strengthen your charisma

Charisma is not an innate quality; nor is it a gift from the gods. On the contrary: you can develop and strengthen it.

Finally, you get to talk about that new campaign, a new programme, strategy or product you are so proud of. Or about the new direction you want to take your employees in. You have a huge appetite for it and you dare to climb the stage with confidence. Not only because you know better what you want to say, but especially because you understand how to touch the hearts of your audience and motivate people. In this workshop, we will show you that your story will have more impact by presenting it with more charisma. The book Strengthen Your Charisma is the inspirational guide for this workshop. Click here for a short video (in the Dutch language) about this book. And with it, charisma is within your reach.


Convincing communication

This training is entirely practice-oriented.
Click here for more info

Convincing Presentations

This training is entirely practice-oriented.
Click here for more info

Convincing Leadership

This training is entirely practice-oriented.
Click here for more info

Team Days Enneagram

After these days, people do work better together
Click here for more info


Who is Max?

Maximiliaan, the inspirational & practical coach

Maximiliaan Winkelhuis (often also called Max) has over twenty-five years of experience as a leadership coach and communication trainer. This makes him a highly experienced support for professionals in business, media, politics, government and the dance world. In his first career, he enjoyed leading as a communications specialist at leading advertising agencies.

During these years, he attended an intense leadership program at INSEAD. He then started training in Transformational Psychology with Shakti Gawain in Hawaii and simultaneously did the three-year course at the Institute of Transformational Psychology. Maximiliaan then spent many years training in personal growth techniques such as Transactional Analysis, Self-Directed Learning, the drives of the Enneagram, Voice Dialogue and Nonviolent Communication. Maximiliaan is a specialist in developing charismatic leadership.


‘Strengthen your charisma'

Discover how to present your story more playfully and convincingly. Strengthen your charisma is a guide with many practical examples, tests and tips to help you to show yourself, enjoy it and touch others with your story.

'Dancing at work'

This book is full of practical tips to increase your job satisfaction. Maximiliaan made this book in cooperation with Lodewijk van der Peet and Esther Jansen.
Click on the following links for Dutch videos of tips to stress less while working, meeting and presenting: Tip 13, Tip 49, Tip 67.

‘Hartverwarmende ijsbrekers’

Together with Sophia Strydom, I have created an extremely practical and, above all, cheerful booklet that will assist you in starting and concluding conversations, meetings, and presentations. This booklet was printed in a limited edition for MaximuM clients in 2023 and is still available for purchase.

The Personality Styles Card Game

This card game gives clear insights into your behavior and that of others.

'Luxury Secrets'

Maximilian published this culinary book with Margot Roggeveen. He also wrote culinary books like ‘Flaters & Foefjes’ and ‘Toeters & Bellen’.

'Dance to your MaximuM'

Maximiliaan wrote a coaching book for top dancers at the turn of the century that has become the international standard (and has been translated into many languages).

‘Dance without stress’

This book explains to dancers what stress is, how to measure it and it gives 100 ways to escape from it.

‘The Charismatic Dancer’

This book from 2023 helps the reader become a persuasive dancer. It teaches you that you as a dancer shouldn’t only focus on choreography and technique: there are a total of five ingredients and five inner voices that make your dancing more appealing. Click here for reviews on this book.

The team of Max

You don't get to work together lightly

The team I enjoy working with is pleasantly diverse. We differ enormously as people and as coaches. They all have had impressive work backgrounds and positions before walking the coaching path. As a result, we reinforce each other and healthily challenge each other. Fortunately, we also have strong similarities: we are all heavily trained and have enjoyed the 10,000 hours of experience. We all work with the same insightful models such as the Enneagram and Transactional Analysis. This works more pleasantly: it avoids confusion of tongues when several coaches from MaximuM are working for the same client.


the warm, personal coach

Titia Mulders laid the foundations for her work as a professional trainer and coach back in the 1990s. Before that, she worked in the publishing industry for twenty-five years.


Practical work experience gained in editorial positions in newspapers, magazines and television programs means that, as a coach, she approaches her clients’ issues both professionally and personally.

A three-year study in Transformational Psychology, three years of training in Organisational and Family Constellations and the Masters Certificate in Transactional Analysis form the substantive professional basis for her work. She also immerses herself in Alan Seale’s Transformational Presence theory and is skilled in the application of Nonviolent Communication and the Enneagram. This mix of models makes her a specialist in one-to-one coaching processes. Guiding change processes within organisations and training management teams.


the inspiring, storytelling coach

Petra Stienen worked as a diplomat in the Middle East, Europe and the United States. About her work as a human rights diplomat, she wrote the book Dreaming of an Arab Spring (2008).


She went on to write two more books; The Other Arab Sound (2012) and Back to the Donderberg (2015). Through these publications, Petra discovered her potential as a public speaker and consultant in working with the general public, professionals, politicians and press.

Petra works as an independent consultant, coach and moderator. She helps her clients harness the power of their professional and personal stories more charismatically. There she wrote a book with Maximilian on ‘Strengthen your charisma’. Petra received the Women in the Media Award (2012), the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Limburg inspiration award (2013) and the Aletta Jacobs Prize (2016). One day a week, she is a senator in the Senate for D66.


the wise, creative coach

Paul van ‘t Veld was founder of the advertising agency Eigen Fabrikaat in 1992. This action marketing agency becomes part of the DDB Group Amsterdam. Within his agency, Paul is creative director.


In 2005, he gives himself time off and retires from his agency. Paul immerses himself in coaching. He undergoes training as a Voice Dialogue facilitator. He also had himself trained by the founders of this method: Dr Hal Stone and Dr Sidra Stone in the US. In the following years, Paul developed further in Transactional Analysis, NLP and Systemic Work.

Paul combines all his training and experience as a creative coach at MaximuM, at THNK, the Amsterdam School of Creative Leadership and as an independent leadership coach. He also teaches workshops in systemic work at Phoenix Opleidingen. Paul lives and works in Amsterdam and Barcelona.


the optimistic, experienced trainer

Madelon Schaap started her career in the communications world. At Leo Burnett, she became managing director and then led over 100 people.


In 2002, she started 707 Brand Communications, which quickly grew into a medium-sized agency. In 2010, she retires from the agency to explore the world of independent consultant, facilitator and trainer. She draws inspiration from the Leo Burnett International facilitator and trainer courses. She studies implementation and change management, does training in Transactional Analysis and walks the Natural Leadership Trail in South Africa. Madelon has developed as a trainer in the field of communication, time & project management training and, for example, the drives of the Enneagram. Madelon is also a Governor of Rotary and a EndPlasticSoup Fellow.

Strong Leaders,

Lodewijk, Louis & Niels

Lodewijk van der Peet, Louis Stam and Niels van de Walle have set up Strong Leaders. A young, growing club with passionate coaches. They all were crackers in their pre-coaching existence:


Niels van de Walle was a marketer (at Sonos and Nike, among others) and advertising agency director (Sid Lee), Lodewijk van der Peet is an award-winning creative in the international advertising world and was also general manager at BeyenMeyer, among others. Louis Stam was first a lawyer and is now a fitness entrepreneur (Boostcamp). Meanwhile, Lodewijk, Louis and Niels are trained in Transactional Analysis. All three got their Masters at Phoenix Opleidingen in Utrecht and participate in MaximuM’s intervision days. Lodewijk, like Paul van ‘t Veld, is also associated with THNK. All three of them work with the knowledge and insights drives of the Enneagram. That is why they are a welcome addition for our clients.



Convincing Leadership

I would like to register.

The three dates are determined in consultation with the participants. You are only registered after you have agreed on those three dates.


Convincing Presentations

I would like to register.

The three dates are determined in consultation with the participants. You are only registered after you have agreed on those three dates.


Convincing communication

I would like to register.

The three dates are determined in consultation with the participants. You are only registered after you have agreed on those three dates.


Intervision group Leadership & TA

I would like to register.

SEASON DATES 2024-2025:


Influencing at work

I would like to register.

7 November
21 November
12 December
16 January 2025
24 April
15 May
5 June
26 June